Workshops and Continuing Education

Take your knowledge and love of movement to the next level with our Continued Education programs. Mindful Movement Centre offers a variety of specialized courses and programs led by guest instructors who are leaders in their fields, aiding you in broadening your teaching horizons and becoming the best instructor that you can be.


Functional Anatomy - Module 2 (10 hours)

Through a combination of on-demand and live-streamed lectures, as well as anatomy office hours, you will have all the time you need to deeply understand the complexities of anatomical concepts through our movement-based perspective. This will enable you to start to seamlessly integrate this knowledge into your teaching in order to make modifications for clients' individual needs and for injury prevention, and to ensure that your clients feel nurtured and taken care of during their sessions.


Much Ado about Pain w/ Special Guest Teachers - Dominique Bulgin & Mark Archer

Dates: 2023 Dates TBD

Exploring basic pain science, assessment techniques, and intervention strategies, it promotes an embodied and holistic approach to Pilates and suggests how the technique can go far beyond mechanics to illuminate our lived experience.

Email us to get on the list to be notified when course dates are announced.


Polyvagal Theory Workshop

This course will provide an overview of the autonomic nervous system and its evolutionary survival strategies. Mapping the different expressions of the vagus nerve, we explore both the anatomy and the lived experience of our bodies’ attempts at protection and connection.

Email us to get on the list to be notified when course dates are announced.


Pre and Post Natal Pilates Teacher Training

Led by our resident MMC faculty member and Doula, Georgia Burns, this advanced pre/post natal Pilates Teacher training program will give you the tools to learn how to effectively work with people in all stages of the birthing cycle. This course will cover the common patterns that occur during pregnancy and how we can work to support the changing body. You will leave this course with the confidence and proper building blocks to help you work safely and effectively with a diverse range of bodies, aiding them through both pre and post natal recovery.

Email us to get on the list to be notified when course dates are announced.